Done renting? Buying your first Snowboard? The Gnu Money!

It's time to face facts riding rental gear sucks. It's never going to fit or be set up exactly right. If you are riding more than a couple times a year do yourself a big favor and take the plunge and get your own set up. Buying your first board can be a tough decision and we see a lot of people who buy a board get hyped they don't have to wait in a rental line for an hour and start riding way more. Low and behold they've outgrown that beginner board as a rider after the first season. That's why for the past several seasons the Gnu Money has been our go to board for the first time snowboard owner. The Money is a great value especially when you consider it's made in the USA by snowboarders (with jobs), and it's not the kind of board that's going to feel like a wet noodle as soon as you learn to link your first turns. The Money features Gnu's C2 camber profile rocker under your feet with a bit of camber under your bindings. What this means is it gives you an easy ride where you are going to catch your edge way less often, but will still allow you to maintain an edge at high speeds. How the C2 really shines is when you combine it with MagneTraction. While it may not turn ice into powder MagneTraction is going to let you keep edge hold on less than ideal conditions keeping you upright and having fun even on the glassiest of east coast hard pack. The Gnu Money will get you from your first turns to ripping the terrain park and bombing down groomers in no time. If you pair this board some Bent Metal Bolt Bindings and DC Phase Boots you'll have your own snowboard set up that is guaranteed a great time for years to come.
Check out this video from Gnu to see the Money in action.
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